About the choir

The Foerster Female Chamber Choir (FKPS) was founded in 1975 by the merited member of the Prague National Theatre Opera, the outstanding conductor Rudolf Zeman, conductor Libuše Krejčová and voice advisor Dagmar Součková. Under their leadership the ensemble soon became one of the best female choirs in Czechoslovakia. In the 90´s the choir was succesfully led by conductors Zdeněk Šulc and Jana Veverková, Lukáš Vasilek during 1998 - 2009. At the present time the ensemble works under the leadership of Jaroslav Brych.

The repertoire of The Foerster Female Chamber Choir includes works from all time periods but the choir pays special attention to the 20th century music. It has premiered a number of compositions by contemporary Czech composers and several authors have dedicated their works to the choir (Zdeněk Lukáš, Vladimír Sommer etc.).

The Foerster Female Chamber Choir performs both at home and abroad, collaborates with leading Czech artists and succesfully participates in prestigious European choral competitions (Arezzo - Italy, Cork - Ireland, Debrecen - Hungary, Klaipeda - Lithuania, Vienna - Austria, Venice - Italy, Rimini - Italy, Montreux - Switzerland etc.).

The choir has recorded six CD´s.

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Rostovská 127/11, 101 00, Praha 10

IČO: 003 129 75

Name of bank: FIO Banka

Account number: 2701312030

Bank code: 2010

Reg. MV ČR dne 28. 11. 1990

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Telefon: +420 602 228 545
E-mail: fkps@fkps.cz
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